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v4.10.1+ to v4.11.0 migration guide

The Strapi v4.10.1+ to v4.11.0 migration guide upgrades v4.10.1+ to v4.11.0.

✏️ Note

This migration guide is optional and only concerns Strapi projects that are currently accepting additional, custom user fields (i.e., other than the email, username, and password fields) on their Users and Permissions plugin registration system.

In Strapi v4.11+, the new user registration system in the Users & Permissions plugin only accepts email, username, and password fields by default. If your Strapi application has added any other custom user fields that your new registration form needs to accept, you must add them to the allowedFields configuration.

The migration guide consists of:

  • Upgrading the application dependencies
  • Adding the additional custom fields to allow in the Users & Permissions plugin
  • Reinitializing the application

Upgrading the application dependencies to 4.11.0

☑️ Prerequisites

Stop the server before starting the upgrade.

  1. Upgrade all of the Strapi packages in package.json to 4.11.0:


    // ...
    "dependencies": {
    "@strapi/strapi": "4.11.0",
    "@strapi/plugin-users-permissions": "4.11.0",
    "@strapi/plugin-i18n": "4.11.0"
    // ...
  2. Save the edited package.json file.

  3. Run either yarn or npm install to install the new version.

💡 Tip

If the operation doesn't work, try removing your yarn.lock or package-lock.json. If that doesn't help, remove the node_modules folder as well and try again.

Allow additional custom fields in the Users & Permissions plugin registration

The Users & Permissions plugin registration system in Strapi v4.11 only accepts email, username, and password fields by default. If additional fields were added to your user model and need to be accepted on registration, add these fields to the allowedFields in the register configuration option, otherwise the fields will be ignored.

For example, if you have added a field called nickname that you wish to accept from the user, update your configuration object as follows:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
// ...
"users-permissions": {
config: {
register: {
allowedFields: ["nickname"],
// ...

Rebuild the application

Run the following command in your project root directory to rebuild Strapi's admin panel:

yarn build

Restart the application

Run the following command in your project root directory to restart the application:

yarn develop